
Accent Web Design

10 Reasons to Use a Web Designer

A web designer makes an important contribution to the success of your business. Anytime a company hires a new employee this represents a significant investment and there’s always an element of risk involved. It is a time-consuming and costly process of involving training, interviews, assessing salary and benefits packages, and much more.

Even after the most painstaking process, you’re never going to be confident that your new hire will even pan out. The ability to hire the right people for a job is important to the success of any company. For many businesses, their single most important employee is one that’s regularly overlooked.

Have you ever considered your website to be an employee? Well-designed and maintained websites work for companies 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, they don’t take sick days or holidays. How much would you be willing to invest in the recruitment of your dream employee? One that offers a return on investment that can quickly outstrip the productivity of any other employee, for a fraction of the cost over their life’s work.

Web Designer - Responsive

For many companies today the public face of their organization is their website. The importance of making it attractive and appealing to their target audience should never be underestimated. So when it comes to deciding whether to design and maintain a website yourself or to outsource the task to a professional designer you should give it some thought. It is a matter of a skill-set, do you have what it takes to do your brand and its image justice? For many companies, their websites are the only way to interact with their customers. Making it appealing, easy to use, and simple to understand, designed to allow effective communication, could be the difference between the success and failure of a business.

Smaller business owners sometimes struggle to understand exactly the role of a website and effective digital marketing can play in the success or failure of their business. Some businesses today still choose to design their own websites and while they do save money initially, they quickly realise that all they’ve done is wasted a few year’s of goodwill and lost revenue.

This lost revenue would have comfortably covered the cost of hiring a professional designer. A well designed and maintained and structured website is a 24-hour marketing agency, designed to make your life easier and help your business grow organically. With this in mind here are 10 benefits to hiring a web designer

#1 A Web Designer Can Offer Your Brand Credibility

Defining what makes a brand or website credible is sometimes difficult, but you will know it when you see it. This is down to the fact that there is a level of ambiguity in the factors that influence the credibility of a website. Website design varies from industry to industry and from product to product. For some businesses that need a warm friendly typeface and deep earthy graphics especially if they are selling handcrafted products. But this design is going to sit well on a financial planning website. While attractive websites tend to be more successful many other visitors’ expectations should always be taken into account.

Central to the credibility of your website are two essential factors: expertise and trustworthiness. If your site can convince its visitors that you are knowledgeable and that the information they find on this website is both reliable and honest, then you have won half the battle. Your brand will begin to exert some power and influence over attitudes and behaviours toward your products or services. Once they’re willing to give you their personal information, express positive opinions about your products and your brand, refer people to and revisit your website, your feet are firmly on the road to success.

#2 Keep it Compatible with the Latest Technology

Quality Web Design UpgradeUnless you’re a web design professional, you simply cannot be up-to-date with the newest standards required to keep up with the latest technology. This lack of knowledge can prove to be harmful. Nearly every business person has a smartphone these days, so you must be aware of the growing importance of mobile technology. How aware are you of the solutions that you can use to make your websites more mobile-friendly today?

Many companies have fallen into the trap of paying a company to keep their mobile version of the website maintained, instead of actually getting the website designed to be responsive from day one. Web design professionals will do this automatically and pride themselves on building websites using the latest technology possible. As new mobile devices are released every month of the year. Do you think it is possible to keep yourself and your site made up to date with all the latest trends?

#3 Use the Most Stunning High-DPI Retina Optimized Imagery.

Have you ever stopped to wonder why your older website images have gotten fuzzy on your new iPhone or your kid’s high def tablet? The answer is very simple: in the last few years, images are capable of showing twice as much detail as ever before. You must have heard the term “retina” used in Apple’s marketing and advertising. This is website designer job, they make sure your site is designed to be retina compatible, complete with high DPI images. But it’s just not as simple as popping them onto the website. You’ll have to use some ready-made plugins as well as some other specialist software to ensure that the website remains sharp and responsive.

#4 Guaranteed Reliability

So your self-designed website went live a few months ago. Today you wake up and you get an error message anytime you try to change anything. These types of errors happen all the time even when using some of the most reliable systems. This is especially true when a website has been developed without you need professional tools. If you don’t have to help with a professional, you could spend hours on Google looking for a solution. While your websites are losing credibility in your brand images suffering as well as costing money if you fire the services of a professional web designer your solutions are a phone call away.

#5 They are Just More Creative and Come up with Better Designs

Anyone who’s familiar with WordPress knows that there are a plethora of free website design templates available. But as you dig deeper you begin to understand that these are extremely basic and that’s an understatement if you’re looking for a high-end unique website probably going to struggle to get one using one of these one sizes fits all tools.

A professionally functioning website needs a variety of different features including colds plugins, headers, and images. This all sounds like I would be you not to worry you don’t need to have a degree in information technology or programming background to know what looks good just simply search for the website of your biggest competitor and you’ll soon see the benefits of working with a professional web designer. A glance and the companies in the lower ranking will show you what you don’t want to look like.

As the web design field continues to evolve, the ability to build functions, attractive and dynamic websites requires more experience. New developments occur in the website field on a daily basis. Websites that were created just a few years ago have quickly become obsolete.

#6 Professional Websites are Just Faster

Getting a website to function optimally is difficult at the best of times. Especially when you’re trying to get some third-party tools to integrate with the site and work with the other various plugin and all the while trying to ensure your website runs quickly, smoothly and securely. Ensuring that all of the above can happen requires not just the right software, but you will need to have significant experience and knowledge.

If you have your own website, using a testing tool like Gtmetrix will give you a quick rundown of the quality of your website’s design. It will point out any deficiencies and how these will impact on the performance of the website. , An overall score of over 80 is considered good and its score over 95 is nearly flawless. One of the key advantages of working with a professional web designer is that they have vast experience when it comes to hosting, and they can offer you recommendations to best suit your site.

#7 The Importance of Web Design SEO and Google Ranking

For most people when they design their own websites and SEO is way down their list of priorities. But without search engine optimization it is highly unlikely that your website will ever appear on the first pages of any browser search nevermind Google. This means that for someone to find the website searchers are going to have to scroll past a number of competing websites and maybe even take to the second or third page of the search results. What do you think the odds of this happening are? Analysis has shown that 80% of the first preference clicks go to the top three search results. By using the latest and best of tools a professional web designer constructs a site in a manner that increases the likelihood that it will show up at or near the top of the relevant search results. This traffic coming from a free search is vital; it costs you nothing.

#8 Time Efficiency

Websites are not like posters, something you just design stick on the wall and just walk away from. A well-designed website is incredibly functional, allowing companies to increase their revenues and automatically save time. Let’s just take for example automatic booking. If you own a car garage or beauty salon you can set up an online appointment option. These offer your customers the ability to add some simple details and book times at their own convenience. You might never have to worry about answering the phone again. The functionality of the internet is evolving on a weekly basis. There are literally thousands of different automated things you can do online to help your business grow exponentially. From pursuing repeat business to saving time or improving your customer service, these are just three things that a professionally designed business website can do for you these days.

#9 An Excellent Source of Revenue

Let’s say for example the automated technology we discussed earlier, will allow you to save your time and also improve the service that you’re providing to your customers. A chance to upsell the services you provide and increase your revenue with little to no effort. Let’s take the example of a customer’s booking an appointment, by simply adding a few extra checkboxes, they can now choose from some additional services, allowing you to upsell your products and services. The simple addition allows you to increase your revenue with little or no effort on your part.

#10 Offer a Competitive Advantage

A professional-looking and SEO designed website can offer you a valuable competitive advantage over other local businesses. The reality of the situation is far too many small business owners in your area try have been busy designing and maintaining their own websites in order to save money. Despite the fact that they lack experience in the area, This lack of experience will quickly show when your professionally created website, quickly outranks theirs on any Google search. Even after your website completed. Any professional web designer will continue to maintain your website and discuss the nature of any new technology that might help you in the future. You could spend weeks or even months trying to research these features and add them to your own website. Why would you bother when you can increase your revenue streams without ever having to lift a finger?

A quick recap on the benefits of hiring a web design company.

So why would you hire a professional? The same reason as you hire an accountant to do your taxes, or a mechanic to service your car, or send your children to schools for a teacher to educate them. All of these you’re capable of doing by yourself, but the vast majority of people who choose to put it in the hands of a professional. For good reason, they lack the knowledge, training, and experience to do the job well.

I’m by no means saying that you shouldn’t do your own taxes. But when you invest in an accountant, it’s the same as investing in a professional web design company. You do so because you know that spending the money now will either make or save you money down the line. Remember that your website could be the most significant employee you ever hire. How much would you be willing to invest in an employee who could secure the success of your company for years to come?


Picture of Gerry


Gerry is a web designer and digital marketing professional with over 15 years of experience in online solutions. As the founder of Accent Webs, he focuses on improving businesses' online presence through tailored website designs and effective SEO strategies. Gerry’s work is characterized by a strong attention to detail and a practical understanding of market needs, delivering websites that meet client expectations and perform well online.
Web Designer - Responsive

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